Thursday 17 November 2011


2.         Selection is the process in which candidates for employment are divided into two classes who are to be offered employment and those who are not.   ž Definition :ž Selection is the process of picking individuals ( from the pool of job applicants ) with requisite qualification and competence to fill jobs in organization.ž Meaning :žSELECTION
3.         Selection process should have back up of job analysis data which will help in comparison between individual and job profile.   ž Person responsible for selection process should be aware about operations and work culture of organization.ž There should be sufficient number of employees from whom the required number of candidates will be selected.ž Essentials of selection process :ž
4.         Interview process cont………   ž Solution of personal problems: proper selection of personnel will reduces problems in company such as increased labor turnover, absenteeism etc.ž Reduction in cost of training : effective selection process reduces the cost of training as qualified employees will have better grasping power and are flexible in terms of adjusting to changes.ž Procurement of skilled workers : selection process is means through which organization will get required manpower, efficiency or inefficiency of selection process will determine quality of future workforce in organization.ž Importance of selection procedure :ž
6.        SELECTIONPROCESS1. Reception : reception and scrutiny of application is first step in the process of selection. In this step interested candidates are asked to fill in job application and give in their resume to company. In this stage depending upon individual resume candidates who posses required qualification for job are called for preliminary interview.2. preliminary interview : in this step candidates qualified in first round are provided basic information about company and nature of job. Candidates are enquired about education, skill, experience, in this process interviewer verifies weather information stated in resume is accurate or not.   
7.         Educational qualifications : gives information about candidates qualification which includes details of marks secured, institution from which individual completed his completed his education, subjects studied etc.   ž Bio data : provides personal information about candidate such as addresses, date of birth etc.ž Application blank : is device used to get information from candidates as per company requirements. Information collected in application blank are related to following particulars :ž
8.         Salary demanded : candidates are required to mention about salary expectation.   ž Reference : applicants are required to give some reference, who will be contacted to enquire about accuracy of data given by candidate.ž Curricular activities : information about extra curricular activities such NSS, NCC etc.ž Work experience : contains details of number of work experience possessed by candidate, position, name of company, nature of work etc.ž
9.         Ež WAB ( weighted application blank ) : in this method weights are assigned to certain traits depending on which suitable candidates are selected.   ž Clinical method : in this method all required information about candidate are gathered either from individual profile or by having interaction with candidate.žvaluation of application form :
10.      Personality test : are used to measure the basic aspects of an applicants personality such as motivation, emotional balance, self confidence, interpersonal behavior etc.   ž Aptitude test : are used to measure individuals ability to learn certain skills E.g. clerical, mechanical, mathematical etc. These test evaluate efficiency to perform specific task and ability to accomplish job effectively.ž Intelligence test : these are mental ability test. They try to evaluate learning ability, ability to understand instructions and make judgments. Main objective of intelligence test is to hire employees who are flexible and who have better grasping power.ž Types of test :ž
11.      Preference test : try to compare employees preference with job and organizational requirement. These test show how people differ in their preference for achievement, meaningfulness, discretion etc.   ž Interest test : these test show area of work which the person is interested in as individual is believed to perform better in area of his interest.ž Projective test : these test try to predict personality or thinking of an individual person. The candidate is given in particular situation certain set of pictures are presented out of which individuals are required to present story. Story presented by individuals shows in attitude and behavior of individual to certain set of things.ž Types of personality tests :ž
12.      Assessment center : is a extended work sample. It uses the procedure that incorporates individual and group exercise. These exercise are designed to simulate type of work candidates will be expected to do.   ž simulation test : it is duplication of activities and problems employees face at their workplace. These exercise are used in organization to hire managers at different level in the company.ž Achievement test : these are designed to measure what applicants can do on the job currently. E.g. typing test shows typing proficiency of an individual person.ž
13.      Leader less group discussion : in this method certain set of candidates are divided into groups and are asked to have discussion on given topic or perform an activity the person one who emerges as guide will be selected among the group.   ž In basket exercise : in this method candidate is required to perform set of activities such as writing letters, preparing reports, memos which he is required to do in particular position. The results of candidate actions are evaluated.ž
14.      Structured interview : evaluators ask series of questions aimed at participant motivation, potential, achievement for being self starter.   ž Individual presentation : individuals are given topic for presentation which they are required to present in limited period of time. The candidates ability is judged on the basis of his ability to present topic creatively.ž Business games : in this method candidates will be given a real situation e.g. launching a product in which they are required to design product, decide upon advertisement strategy etc. plan developed by candidates will indicate efficiency level possessed by them.ž
15.      Integrity test : these test try to measure to what extent candidate is able to integrate himself to company and his group mates which helps to measure candidates level of commitment in long run.   ž Polygraph tests : it is a lie detector machine. The lie detector consist of rubber tube around which will be put around candidate chest by detecting body vibration of candidate whi8le answering the questions it will detect weather candidate is lying or not.ž Graphology test : in this method candidate is judged based upon his hand writing. Handwriting expert gives his suggestion depending upon candidates handwriting style, punctuations, loops, hooks, lines etc.ž
16.      Reference check : this is proved to be one of important tool to verify information given by candidates, if the reference names are of previous employers etc. through means of reference it is possible to get information which may have not been mentioned by candidate.   ž Selection interview : is a formal in depth conversation which evaluates applicants acceptability. Main objective of selection interview is to ask in question which are not covered in initial test, this type of interview focuses on testing candidates knowledge in area of his specialization.ž
17.      Physical examination : after step of selection candidates are required undergo physical fitness test. This test is conducted to examine weather candidate if eligible to perform given job, weather candidate is going through some psychological problem. Details of medical examination are recorded in statements and preserved in personal records of candidate.   ž Final selection : till this step of selection decision will be taken by personnel department or assigned staff. In later stage as the candidate is required o work under line officers they decide duty and position to be assigned to candidate. If candidate has performed effectively in interview and possess relevant experience then he may be directly appointed or he may be put into probationary period.ž
18.      Evaluation : this step basically evaluates weather the selected candidates are able to deliver efficient performance as per expectation of company.   ž Contract of employment : it is a employment contract executed by employer and candidate. Companies mostly stress upon job contract as they bind employees to be with company for certain period of time to reduce employee turnover of company.ž Job offer : next step in selection process is to give job offer letter to selected candidates. It consist of date of joining, details of job etc. these are particularly important to candidates who are already into job as they are required to give notice in prior to leaving the previous job.ž
19.      A selection interview is selection procedure designed to predict future job performance on basis of applicants interaction with interviewer.   ž An interview is purposeful exchange of ideas, the answering of questions and communication between two or more persons.ž Interview :ž
20.      Solve problems : counseling interviews conducted in companies helps employees to overcome their personal as well as professional problems thus helping them to maintain work life balance.   ž Promote goodwill : the way in which the interviewee will be treaded during the interview will help in building better image of company in employment market.ž Give information to applicant : in process of interview even the interviewee gets an better idea about nature of job, type of company etc.ž Judgment of applicant :interview session helps interviewer to get an brief insight about applicant and also give scope to interviewer to check if the information provided by the applicant in resume or applicant blank is right or not.ž Objectives of interview :ž
21.      Stress interview : this type of interview tries to find out how candidate behaves in stressful situation. Interviewer adopts a hostile behavior towards the candidate. Candidate is put on the defensive state by trying to annoy or frustrate him. Interview of this king is conducted for job which involves lot of stress.   ž Structured interview: this is planned interview in this type of interview the interviewer is clear about types of questions to be asked, types of questions asked in this kind of interviews will be close ended or specific in nature. The level of accuracy and precision in this type of interview is quite high.ž Unstructured or direct interview : in this type of interview the conversation will not have predetermined flow as it is not planned well in advance. In this type this type of interview, the interviewer lays more stress on interviewee seeking more information on candidate. As this type of interviewee is not planned in nature type of questions probed may be quite vague.ž Types of interview :ž
22.      Situational interview : questions in this interview focus on analyzing candidates ability to behave according to demand of situation. The interview may be structured or situational with predetermined questions to project individual behavior in given situation.   ž Exit interview : is conducted for employees one who are leaving the organization. Main objective of the interview is to know employees opinion about organization, his reason for leaving the company. Information collected during the interview will be treated as feedback for solving problems if any persisting in organization.ž Appraisal interview : this interview is conducted in company for performance appraisal of employees in organization. Interview involves employer and supervisor where discussion relating to performance of employees is discussed as to decide upon their performance decision.ž
23.      One on one interview : in this interview the interaction goes on between two persons the interviewer and interviewee leading to exchange of information between two persons.   ž Psychological interview : this interview focus on evaluating personal traits of candidate.ž Behavioral interview : in this process of interview candidates are asked as to how did they behave to situations on their previous job. They try to evaluate employees efficiency depending on his behavior in past.ž Job related interview : interviewer tries to evaluate, applicants on job performance based on his answers to the questions about his past behavior or performance in his previous job. Job related questions are asked in order to draw conclusion about candidates ability to handle job.ž
24.      Panel interview : in this interview candidate is interviewed by group of interviewer rather then being interviewed sequentially.   ž Group interview : this type of interview group of candidates are evaluated at same time where one topic is give in for discussion. The evaluation is done based upon the participation of each candidate to topic, their behavior towards the group members etc.ž Sequential interview : in this interview the applicant is interviewed by several persons in sequence before selection decision is made. Interviewers rate the candidate on a standard evaluation form and ratings are compared before hiring the candidate.ž
25.      Interview process : Preparation of interview Physical setting Conducting the interview Closing interview Evaluation of results   ž
26.      Choosing the panel of expert who would interview the candidate.   ž Selecting the interview method to be followed.ž Review candidates application and resume, note the areas that are vague and also try to analyze SWOT analysis of the candidate.ž Establishing the objectives for interviewž1. Preparation for the interview : advance preparation for the interview is the basic key to success for the in interview. It will enable the interviewer to cover all important aspects and the remember the necessary points. Basic preparation required for the interview include :
27.     2. Physical settings : refers to the place where interview is planned to be conducted. The place where interview is supposed to take place should be calm, free from disturbances. Sitting arrangements, drinking water, placing of magazines for candidates to read everything should be taken care of during g the process of interview. Reception is one of the most important part of the interview as a humble welcome of candidates by company will be helpful in building goodwill of the company in the eyes of candidates who come to company to attend interviews.3. Conducting the interview : in this stage of interview the exchange of information takes place. First work to be performed by the interviewer is to put the interviewee at ease by welcoming the candidate with a friendly gesture, asking him to take his seat allowing him to adjust atmosphere. Interviewer should ask question which reveals in all the information required about the candidate. The interviewer should be audible and clear at his speech and allow the candidate to speak and be patient listener.   
28.     4. Closing the interview : interviewer should close the interview with a happy note. He should enquire if the candidate wants to add in any extra information. He should ask candidate if he has any query or is there any extra information that interviewer could give him to clarify his doubts. The interviewer should thank the interviewee for attending the interview any inform him the means through which he would get to know weather he is selected or not.5. Evaluation of results : in this step of interview, the interviewer is required to evaluate the candidates eligibility for the job depending upon the candidates performance in interview in terms of his knowledge, behavior, expression, attitude etc.   
29.      Constant error : constant error arises because the interview of the previous candidates influences the interview in favor or against the next candidate. E.g. if previous candidates performance is been poor then interviewer may find even average performer to be brilliant one.   ž Halo effect : in this limitation a single characteristic or prominent character of person affect the judgment of interviewer. E.g. impression of interviewer the candidates having foreign degree are more efficient compare to on ne who are qualified with in the country.ž personal bias : interviewers like other people may have personal biasness as they might end up selecting the persons who are indirectly related to them in terms of race, religion, community etc.ž Limitation of interview :ž
30.      Snap judgment : interviews may make snap judgment in early interview. E.g. judge persons depending only on his dressing sense.   ž Stereotyping : it is error caused due to uneven assumptions developed by the interviewer in his mind. E.g. interviewer may be opinion that people from urban areas are more intelligent and fluency in terms of language compare to people in rural areas.ž Projection : in this error the interviewer mar try to find his own characteristic in candidate such as qualities, skills getting influenced by which he may select candidate for the job.ž Leniency : in this the interviewer is lenient in rating all the candidates due to which he may rate candidates high who have not performed well in the interview which to no differentiation between efficient and inefficient candidate.ž
31.      Lack of integrž Negative emphasis : it the interviewer gets to know any negative information about the interviewee then interviewer may ignore all positive aspects of interviewer focusing on negative aspects of candidate.   žation : as interview process requires advance preparation if interviewer before interview do not collect data from required sources then it will become difficult for interviewer to probe questions to interviewee.
32.      Placement process cont ……   ž Placement is the determination for the job to which an accepted candidate is to be assigned and his assignment to that job. Main motto of placement is to assign right person to right job.ž Placement :ž
33.     Compare sub groupMatch individual profile profile to job family with subgroup profile profile Match subgroup profile to best suited job family Construct his profile profile Assign individual to job family Collect detail about employee Assign individual to specific job   
34.      To create sense of security to worker at his workplace and also develop goodwill of company in eyes of new comers on organization.   ž To introduce new worker to superiors, peers, subordinates etc in organization.ž To inform new employee about organization culture, structure, product, policies etc.ž To build up agreement between employee and organizational goals.ž to promote the feeling of belongingness and loyalty to the organization among the new comers.ž Objectives of induction :ž Induction is process of receiving an employee when he first joins a company and giving him the basic information he needs to settle down and start task assigned at workplace.ž Induction :ž
35.      Opportunities for training, promotions transfer etc.   ž Benefits and services for employeesž standing ordersž Salary measuresž Grievance procedurež Rules and regulationsž Employee’s activitiesž Personnel policies and practicesž Location of department and employee servicesž company’s organization structurež Products and services of companyž Companies history, operationsž Contents of induction program :ž
36.      Follow up interview : this interview is conducted once employee is settled at his workplace after duration of on e or two months. This interview is conducted to address to query of new employee to enquire if he or she has any problems at their workplace.   ž On job information : it gives in information about nature of work, department or unit in which employee is required to work, facilities available to employee at workplace, information about superiors, supervisors, subordinates etc.ž Introductory information : it includes information regarding the history of company, rules and regulations, working conditions. This information will help the candidate to have better understanding about the company and organization standards and policies.ž Elements of induction program :ž

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