Thursday 17 November 2011

Job Analysis. HRM Study Materials.

1.        Job Analysis  
2.         Job responsibilities are obligation to perform certain task and duties.  ¨ E.g.( planning, pilot survey, data collection etc.)¨ Duty : is a larger work segment consisting of several task.¨ Task : is a identifiable activity carried out for specific purpose. E.g. market survey.¨ Job analysis is formal and detailed examination of job. It is a systematic investigation of task, duties and responsibilities necessary to do a job.
¨ Meaning :¨
3.         Selection : as job analysis describes the requirement of job in systematic manner it makes the process of selection easier by providing specification about the qualities required for job.  ¨ Recruitment : it helps people to find out how and when to hire people and provide proper understanding about the required skills and positions the positions that will be vacant in future.¨ Human resource planning: job analysis helps HRP by providing forecast of skill requirement in future and gives in data regarding quality of human resource required by organization.
¨ Uses of job analysis¨
4.         Counselling: job analysis point out the area that an employee is required to develop at which makes it easier for counselor to communicate feedback to employees and suggest them strategies to overcome their problem.  ¨ Training : as job analysis clearly specifies the KSA required to perform given job designing the content of training program becomes easy task for trainer.¨ Placement and orientation: candidate can be effectively introduced in organization only when HR is aware about his interest and activities that is been carried on in organization. Job analysis provides regular updates on various job profile available in company which makes the orientation program effective .¨
5.         Job evaluation : JA helps in finding relative worth of job based on criteria like degree of difficulty, type of work, skills, knowledge needed etc.  ¨ Job design and redesign : as job analysis is conducted on regular basis in organization it provides data for future reference which helps to design or redesign in future as per requirement of company or employees in organization.¨ Performance appraisal : as job analysis mention standard performance to be delivered by employees it makes process of comparison easier to evaluate the performance of employee.¨ Employee safety :job analysis reveals unsafe conditions associated with the job which helps management to take precautionary measures to ensure safety of employees.¨
6.        Organization al analysis Preparation of Selection ofjob specification representative Preparation of Collection of job job description analysis data  
7.         Collection of job analysis data: this step involves collecting data about the characteristics of job, required behavior, personal qualification etc.  ¨ Selection of representative position to be analyzed: sample of jobs should be selected in organization on which job analysis will be conducted.¨ Organizational analysis :in first we are required to have detail information of various jobs in organization. This helps to determine the interrelationship between the various jobs. This information will be available in organization charts and workflow charts.¨
8.         Preparation of job specification : it involves conversion of job description to job specification. It is a written statement of personal attributes in terms of traits, skills, training, experience needed to carry out the job.  ¨ Preparation of job description : it involves describing the contents of the job in terms of functions, duties, responsibilities, operations etc.¨
9.         Personal observation : in this method analyst observes the task performed by employees where employees should not be aware that they are being observed and analyst is required to make note of employees behavior and specific needs of job.  ¨ Job performance: in this method job analyst performs the activity to have an idea about the task. The job analyst has advantage as the information gathered is through his personal experience. This method is suitable for jobs which can be learnt easily.¨
10.      Interview : in this method the analyst interviews employer and employee as employee can give better information about way in which task is performed and employers will be able to provide data about the KSA required to perform job in effective manner.  ¨ Critical incidents : in this methods employees are asked to mention about the critical incidents faced by them in organization and behavior exhibited by them in those circumstances. Once the data is collected from employees analyst decides about the criticality of situation, differentiate between effective and ineffective behavior. Job requirement becomes clear once the analyst is done with analysis of data.¨
11.      Questionnaire : here analyst design the questionnaire depending upon the type of job, employees are required to fill in those questionnaire and depending upon the data in questionnaire the analyst goes in for preparing job analysis.  ¨ Diary method : employees in organization are asked to maintain work diary in which they are required to mention about their day to day work activity and time taken to perform those activities. Analyst refers these work diaries and prepare job analysis depending upon data available in work diary.¨ Panel of expert : in this method the analyst interviews the experience of senior executive level employees in organization. Seniors give in information through the means of their past experience in organization.¨
12.      Management position description questionnaire: these are questionnaire designed to analyze managerial position job in organization. Managers are provided with set of items among which the managers are required to select task which are important part of job.• Functional job analysis : is worker oriented job analysis that attempts to describe the whole person on job that is it covers all the task performed by individual employee at workplace.  ¨ Position analysis questionnaire : is one which helps to quantify all the activities performed by individual employee. It takes into consideration various task required to be performed at job and task that are interrelated to present job
.¨ Types of questionnaire :¨
13.      Social environment: refers to level of communication required to perform given task.  ¨ Working conditions: it states about the infrastructure facilities available to employees in organization.¨ Job activities : it describes about task to be performed, facilities available to accomplishment the task.¨ Job summary: it explain what he job is all about¨ Job title :specifies job title, code number and department where the job is done.¨ Contents of job description :¨ Job description : is a written statement of what job holder does. It describes the nature of job giving a brief description about content, environment and conditions of employments.¨
14.      Contra indicators: attitude that will hinder persons growth in terms of career opportunities.  ¨ Desirable attributes : qualification required to b possessed by person.¨ Essential attributes : knowledge, skill and ability required to be possessed by person.¨ Contents of job specification:¨ Job specification : it focuses on key qualifications or KSA required for effective accomplishment of activities.¨
15.      Job design is deliberate and systematic attempt to structure the technical and social aspect of work so as to improve technical efficiency and job satisfaction.  ¨ Job design is the process which integrates work content, rewards and the qualification required for each job in a way that meets the needs of employees and organization.¨
16.      APPROACHES TO JOB DESIGN  ¨ Objectives of job design:1. Important objective of job design is to meet the requirements of the organization in terms of high productivity and better quality work etc.2.Satisfy the needs of individual employee such as job satisfaction in terms of interest, challenge and achievement.3.Integrate the needs of employees with the organizational requirement.¨
17.     Socio technical system approach Job characteristics approach Human relation approach Scientific management traditional approach
18.      Advantages:1. In this approach the various functions of HRM is presented in simplified manner.2. This approach is consistent with employees expectation, training, education etc.3. As these approach in present in organization from many years it is easily acceptable by employees in organization.  ¨ it focuses on allocation of duties and responsibilities in traditional way as carried on in organization.e.g line and staff organization. 
¨ Traditional approach: ¨
19.      Standardization : method developed with the help of time and motion study to regulate the activities of employees.  ¨ Optimization: to adopt best method in terms of performance of task among the available alternatives.¨ Task fragmentation: to break task into small components¨ Principles of scientific approach :¨ Scientific management approach : principles of scientific management are used as basis for designing jobs. planning is done well in advance relating to task and responsibilities to be allocated to individual employees, all employees will receive written instruction well in advance relating to performance of task.¨
20.      Monetary rewards :proper rewards should be given to employees as per their performance to provide timely motivation to employees.  ¨ Responsibility : workers should be held responsible for the effective accomplishment of task assigned.¨ Training : is the process in which employees are updated with latest knowledge to enhance the quality of work delivered by them.¨ Specialization : workers should be assigned with the job according to area of their specialization. It means right person at right job.¨
21.      It may lead to low morale, lack of interest at workplace among the employees in organization.  ¨ Job designed through this approach is not suitable for modern environment.¨ This approach fails to take the emotional and psychological aspect of human resource in organization.
¨ Disadvantages :¨
22.      Organization started taking initiative to provide hygiene and motivating factors at right time¨ Theory of Herzberg was used as basis for measuring the employee satisfaction at workplace¨ This approach focused on fulfilling employees social and psychological needs of employees in organization.¨ This approach came into picture with the research of Hawthorne studies on factors affecting employees behavior at workplace. .¨ Human resource approach :¨ & place to employees in organization.  
23.      Task significance : the degree to which job significantly impacts the life of others within and outside the organization.  ¨ Task identity : the degree to which the job allows workers to complete the whole task from beginning to end.¨ Skill variety : it focuses on variety of skill an individual is required to have to deliver effective performance at workplace. E.g. CEO¨ Core dimensions of approach :¨ This approach suggest that motivation, satisfaction, and performance should be integrated in job design.
¨ Job characteristics approach :¨
24.      Jobs that provide high level of motivation to employees in organization should result in effective performance, low absenteeism etc.  ¨ Personal and work outcomes :¨ Critical psychological state: it focuses on psychological satisfaction of employees at workplace in organization .¨ Feedback : degree to which job is directive or self-explanatory to employees in organization .¨ Autonomy : the degree to which job allows the employees to be creative at their workplace.¨
25.      Employees should be given their own space for process of decision making at workplace.  ¨ Job should be learning process for employees.¨ Jobs should be reasonably demanding for individual and provide some variety in terms of nature of job.¨ Major focus of approach :¨ Jobs are designed by taking a systems view of entire job situation including its physical and social environment
.¨ Socio technical system approach :¨
26.     Job simplifi cation Job Job design Jobenrich options enlarge ment ment Job rotatio n  
27.      This method helps in quick accomplishment of task in organization.  ¨ information relating to time and motion study are used for process of job design .¨ Job are broken into smaller task and are analyzed for job specification and job description.¨ In this method job are divided into smaller components and assigned to workers in organization.
¨ Job simplification :¨
28.      Process of job rotation helps employees to get insight of related activity and also provides to employees career growth in organization.  ¨ Time period of job rotation may vary from period of month to a year.¨ An employees it is assigned to perform different but related task to present job.¨ refers to movement of employee from one job to another job.
¨ Job rotation :¨
29.      Trains and develops versatile employees.  ¨ Reduces monotony and boredom¨ Increase the knowledge required to perform the activity.¨ It increases the variety of job¨ Job enlargement is done at horizontal level in organization.¨ It refers to adding in additional task and responsibility to present job of employees in organization.
¨ Job enlargement :¨
30.      It makes easy for employer to implement organizational changes in company.  ¨ It helps in changing employees attitude towards work in organization.¨ It guides workers to plan and control their performance.¨ It focuses on vertical expansion of functions and responsibility of job holder.¨ It is process of increasing the contents of job, upgrading responsibility, scope and challenge of job.¨ Job enrichment :¨
31.      HRP is the process of determining manpower requirements and the means for meeting those requirements in order to carry out integrated plan of organization.  ¨ HRP is the process of determining and assuring that the organization will have an adequate number of qualified persons available at right time , performing jobs which meet the needs of enterprise and which provide satisfaction for the individuals involved.
¨ Definition of HRP¨
32.      Ensuring high labor productivity  ¨ Helps organization to cope with the technological development and modernization.¨ Ensuring optimum use of human resource in organization¨ Controlling wage and salary cost.¨ Anticipating surplus or shortage of staff and avoiding unnecessary detention and dismissals.¨ Determining training and development needs of organization¨ Assessing skill requirement in future¨ Assessing manpower needs for future and making plans for recruitment and selection¨
33.      Labour turnover : as new employees require training¨ Replacement of persons : a large number of employees will be expected to quit the organization after period of time due to retirement, old age, death etc. company is required to prepare details of employees who will take over the position.¨ & development to adjust to organization, initial investment is required during the process of recruitment HRP will provide data well in advance to estimate the future expenditure.  
34.      Technological changes : as technological up gradation takes place at regular interval in organization employees are required to undergo process of T¨ Expansion plans : when organization is planning to expand or diversify the concern human resource requirement of organization will increase. Data provided by human resource planning will make process of implementation easier.¨& Helps in assessing the human resource requirements of organizations.  ¨D which incurs certain expenditure and estimation for the same is provided by HRP.
35.      Optimum utilization of manpower force : it focuses on assignment of jobs to employees according to area of interest which ensures ef¨ Reduced labour cost : HRP planning provides timely data to organization which helps future cost estimation leading to effective allocation and utilization of financial resources in organization.¨ Identification of gap existing in manpower : HRP help to identify knowledge gap, that is knowledge require to be possessed and actual level of knowledge employees have.  ¨ficient accomplishment of task assigned to employees .
36.      Creates awareness in the organizations : HRP leads to organizational awareness as it helps in judging the effectiveness of human resource policies and programmes of management.  ¨ Career succession planning : HRP facilitates succession planning in organization. It provides lead time for internal succession of employees to higher position through promotions.¨ Improvement in overall business planning : HRP is integral part of organization. Companies cannot work effectively in long run without right type and right number of people doing the right job at right time. Information about the same is available through the process of HRP.¨
37.      Beneficial to the country : at national level manpower planning facilitates educational reforms, geographical mobility of talent and employment generation.  ¨ Growth of organization : manpower planning facilitates the expansion and diversification of organization through means of providing timely information relating to manpower availability and future requirement in organization.¨
38.      Support from top management: as the expenditure and resources required for manpower planning is provided by management in organization. If level of support decreases then process of HRP will be ineffective for employees in organization.  ¨ Identity crisis: manpower planning concept may not be understood by all level employees in organization until HRP is implemented in full fledged manner in organization.¨ Accuracy of forecast : manpower r planning involves forecasting the demand and supply of human resource. Effectiveness of forecast depends upon the accuracy of data collected from forecast if the data is inaccurate it will lead to breakdown in process of organization.¨
39.      Management information system: HRP requires relevant data if the available data is not relevant, process of HRP becomes ineffective in organization.  ¨ Insufficient initial efforts: new concepts introduced in organization requires certain period of time to be implemented, even HRP will not be successful unless matched with the needs and environment of particular environment.¨ Resistance from employees : employee do not prefer supporting HRP as they will be of opinion that HRP will increase the work load and result in unemployment problems for unskilled employees in organization.¨
40.      It is a unbalanced approach as quantity aspect of human resource if focused more that qualitative aspect of  ¨ Coordination with other managerial functions: as process of HRP is developed by HR department it becomes difficult to integrate task of others department in process.¨ Expensive and time consuming: manpower planning is expensive and time consuming process as it requires service of experts for process of HRP in organization.¨ Uncertainties : it is difficult to depend upon the HRP estimates as process of HRP is done during the stable conditions of organization which will not be applicable during the situation of crises.¨
41.     FACTORS AFFECTING HRPExisting stockof manpower wastage Future manpower requirement  
42.      Wastage: second basis for HRP is determining wastage in terms of HR in organization. Wastages of labor can be determined by analyzing the rate of labour turnover, period of active management at workplace.  ¨ Existing stock of manpower : collecting details of present manpower in organization is initial stage of HRP. Details of HRP in organization is available by conducting study on total stock of manpower by dividing it into groups on the basis of functions , occupation , level of skill or qualification of human resource in organization.¨
43.      Future manpower requirement : after analyzing the current human resource in organization, estimating the HR wastage at workplace data available from the process is used in estimating future manpower requirement of organization.  ¨
44.     • 1.Analysis of 3. Manpower • 5.Training & strategy & forecasting development objective 6.Appraisal of 2. Preparing • 4.Manpower human manpower plans resource inventory planning  
45.      HRP should be done carefully in organization as it has impact on long run operations of organization.  ¨ Organization should be clear about type of structure to be implemented in organization and method used in designing job in organization.¨ Time duration for which HRP is required should be taken into consideration.¨ Changes in business objective will affect HRP in organization.¨ Analysis of objectives and strategies : HRP is integrated with other business policies in organization due to which planning relating to HRP should be conducted on advance basis in organization.¨
46.      The major objective of HRP is to avoid the situation of under staffing or over staffing in organization. Record available by manpower inventory helps in designing individual development programme for employees.  ¨ It reveals degree to which capabilities are employed optimally and helps in conducting skill gap analysis in organization.¨ refers to assessment of present and the potential qualification of present employees qualitatively and quantitatively.
¨ Manpower inventory :¨
47.      Productivity: effective utilization of human resource ensures increased productivity in organization.  ¨ Replacement needs: of organization can be estimated depending upon past experience of organization.¨ Employment trends : before conducting HRP human resource department is required to collect data of previous years relating to manpower in organization.¨ Factors determining the future demand for human resource:¨ Refers forecasting of future manpower requirements qualitatively and quantitatively.¨ Manpower forecasting:¨
48.      Rate of absenteeism = Man dates lost due to absenteeism Man days worked * man days lost  ¨ Absenteeism : is a situation in which employees is not able to perform work in scheduled time. Information relating to absenteeism should be taken to consideration while designing HRP in organization.¨
49.      Work study : it involves collecting of data relating to time and motion study which evaluates time taken and physical movement of employees in process of task performance.  ¨ Expansion and growth : plans in organization should be analyzed to evaluate their effect on HRP and timely steps should be taken to procure and develop talented human resource in organization.¨
50.      Manpower plans: ensures continuous supply of trained people at right time and quantity required by organization. Effective development plans are designed to ensure continuous supply of trained employees for organization. Training and development programme : talents of employees are not fully tapped without systematic training and development programme. Ensuring effective T¨&D programme for employees will lead to career enhancement & effective utilization of employees in organization.  
51.      Appraisal of manpower planning : after employees move through the phase of T¨& This process is carried on through the means of controlling and monitoring performance of employees. Alterations or modifications should be make taking into consideration changes happening in work environment. Appraisal of existing manpower plans serves as guide for future manpower planning.  ¨D effectiveness of training programme should be evaluated in terms of measuring employees performance at workplace.
52.     Top leveldepartmental level Plant level  
53.      Skills inventory : is an assessment of knowledge, skill, abilities experience and career aspirations of each of the current employees. Their should be regular up gradation of information in organization.  ¨ Markov analysis : this technique uses historical rates of promotion, transfer and turnover to estimate future availabilities in workforce. It analyses about who will be in various positions with organization in future.¨
54.      Replacement charts : it shows the profile of job holders department wise and offers snapshot of who will be replacing whom if there is opening in organization.  ¨

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