Thursday 17 November 2011

Typical stages of an interview.

1. Introductory stage.

The interviewer will establish rapport and create a relaxed, though businesslike, atmosphere. This is where the interviewer gets the very important first impression of you, based on your initial greeting and introduction, handshake, appearance, and demeanor. There may be some pleasant small talk as you are greeted and escorted to the interview room/location. There might be some brief discussion of logistics, what will happen during the interview, verification that the interviewer and candidate each have appropriate information, etc. This is the point when, once seated, if you brought with you an updated copy of your resume, you might offer this to your interviewer.

2. Information from the interviewer to the candidate.

The interviewer may choose to give you more information about the position or the employing organization. Preferably you have received most of that information in advance of the interview, because without it, you could not prepare for the interview. However there may be new or additional or more detailed information that the interviewer shares. Also note that for on-campus interviews, employers may choose to offer information session, typically held the evening prior to the interview day, in order to share that information in advance and avoid spending time during many individual interviews repeating that same information.

3. Questions from the interviewer(s) to the candidate.
You should be prepared for a wide variety of typical interview questions. The fundamental purpose of an interview is to determine if there is a match between your qualifications and the requirements of the job, if you are truly interested in the employer and the job, and if there is a good fit or match between you and the employer on many levels. You must go in to an interview knowing yourself, knowing the field/industry, knowing the employer, and knowing the position. An interview is not a test or quiz to see if you have memorized correct answers. It is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your preparation and your thought process. Note that behavioral questions are often included in a well-conducted interview. Focus on what you can do for the employer, not what the employer can do for you. Present positive information; don't focus on what you don't have. Be concise but also thorough in responses to questions; don't make the interviewer work too hard to get information from you. If the interviewer is talking more than you are during questioning of you, this might be an indication that you are not providing complete responses.
4. Opportunity given to the interviewee to ask questions.
Commonly, after asking questions of you, the candidate, the interviewer will give you an opportunity to ask questions. Having no questions will not send the message that you were prepared. Be prepared on questions to ask to interviewer.

5. Conclusion.
Before you depart, the interviewer should explain what the next steps are in the hiring process for that organization, anything else expected of you, and when and how the employer will next be in contact with you. As you are bid farewell, express your thanks for the interviewer's time and consideration and offer a handshake. Be pleasant and cordial to any individuals you encounter as you depart.

Do anything the employer told you to do. Express your thanks promptly in writing. 

More details and instructions about after-interview follow-up.
A good handshake that makes a positive impression:
Full contact, palm to palm.
Gender neutral. Women and men give and receive the same type of handshake.
Held for about two to three seconds.
Eye contact during handshake.
Exchange verbal introduction or greeting during handshake.
Smile (unless handshake occurs during expression of condolence or other situation in which a smile would not convey the appropriate message).

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