Thursday 17 November 2011

Human Resource Recruitment Process. Study Material

1.        RECRUITMENT  
2.        • DEFINATION :• Recruitment is the process of locating and encouraging potential applicants to apply for existing or anticipated job openings.• Attracting a large number of qualified candidates seeking for job• Providing information to unemployed workforce regarding various job options available in job market.  
3.        • Objectives /importance of recruitment• Determine the present and future requirements of firm in conjunction with its personnel planning and job analysis activity.• Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.• Helps increase the success rate of selection process by reducing the number of visibility under qualified or overqualified job applications.• Meet the organizations legal and social obligations. E.g. HR policies & CSR.  
4.        • Identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates.• Increase organizational and individual effectiveness.• Evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment techniques and sources for all types of job applicants.  
5.        Economic factorsSocial politicalFactors factorsTechnological legalFactors factors  
6.        • Economic factors : include factors such as inflation, deflation, number of job opportunities available in labour market. Changing trend of industry from confined market to global market due to implementation of LPG has led to rise or fall in demand for demand for certain set of jobs in organization.• social factors : mentality of employees has changed from just any job to satisfying career. In order to attract new employees and retain present one in organization companies are require to make job interesting, companies engage in process of job design. The companies try to encouraging career opportunities to prospective employees through innovative recruitment campaigns.  
7.        • Technological factors : globalization and liberalization has brought rapid changes in field of banking, electronics, telecommunication etc. new technologies have created new jobs and existing jobs have undergone rapid changes which have led to shortage of people with specialized skill. In such situation companies have to set their recruitment efforts to compete successfully in hiring efficient employees for organization.• Political parties : as political parties are vested with powers of framing policies for workforce in organization regular change of political parties in country will also lead to change in intake of human resource in organization. E.g. quota system .  
8.        • Legal factors : policies and acts framed by government to protect the rights of human resource in organization have major impact of working of organization. E.g.• Factories act of 1948• Contract labor act 1959  
9.        CENTRALIZED AND DECENTRALIZED RECRUITMENT• Centralized recruitment is process in which the activity of recruitment is undertaken by main branch of organization. criteria relating to recruitment is decided by main branch and same is communicated to sister concern of organization. E.g. commercial banks.  
10.     • MERITS OF CENTRALIZED RECRUITMENT :• The cost of recruitment per candidate is low.• It has benefit of centralized promotion and transfer.• Services of experts will be available for recruitment.• Ensures uniformity among the persons recruited.• Ensures effective and suitable placement of candidates.  
11.     • Decentralized recruitment is process in which decision making relating to process of recruitment is divided among the top management and middle level managers E.g. (branch manager)  
12.     • Advantages of decentralized recruitment :• The units are aware about the job requirement, social and cultural background of candidates available, which helps in recruiting suitable employees for organization.• In decentralized recruitment it is easy for units to analyze sources where potential employees are available.• Decentralized recruitment over comes the problem of delayed decision making as compare to centralized recruitment.• Units will be more aware about the human resource requirement of unit which makes the process of feedback easier.• Units will have their own space to adopt method of recruitment suitable to their unit.  
13.     • SOURCES OF RECRUITMENT :• Internal source of recruitment is means through which companies hire required employees on basis of reference of present employees or promote or transfer present employees in organization to fill in required vacancies.• External source of recruitment refers to companies take help of third party to hire required human resource for companies. E.g. consultancies.  
14.     • Sources of internal recruitment :• Present employees – a) transfer : it involves shifting of persons from present job to other similar job. It does not involve any change in rank, responsibility, prestige, the number of persons in company do not increase with transfer but vacant posts will be filled in organization.b) Promotions : promotion involves shifting of person from present position to higher position with hike in salary, added prestige and responsibility.  
15.     • Employee referrals : refers to potential candidates required for organization are hired based on present employees reference or recommendations. It is one of useful source which helps present employees to help friends, relatives, previous companies colleagues to generate employment opportunity. It is one of economical source of recruitment for organization.• Former employees : former employees of organization who quit the job due to retirement, or other options may be willing to join organization as part time or full time employees, this is one of reliable source of recruitment for organization.  
16.     • Job postings : in this method the organization publishes the job opening on bulletin boards, electronic media where the prospective internal employees of organization can apply for vacancies.• Merits and demerits of internal recruitment cont……  
17.     Merits Demerits1. Economical : cost of internal Limited choice : organization has torecruitment is minimum as it saves cost confine choice of candidates within theof advertisement. company which may be at cost of quality of HR2. Suitable : organization can select Inbreeding : it discourages the entry ofsuitable candidate as company is aware new talented employees inabout efficiency of employee. organization.3. Reliable : as employees are not new Inefficiency : as promotion are based onentrants in organization they are more length of service employees may notdependable in nature. focus on enhancing efficiency at workplace.4. Satisfying : promotional opportunities Bone of contention : recruitment fromavailable to employees encourage them within the organization will lead toto perform better. infighting among employees in organization.  
18.     • Sources of external recruitment :• Advertisements : is one of method to recruitment executive level employees in organization. Job advertisements are give in local or national news paper which contains in detail the requirements of job. Through this means of recruitment organization will be able cover wide range of candidates for the process of recruitment.• Employment exchanges : maintain data base of unemployed workforce available in labor market, it proves to be one of economical means for employees to be recruited in organization. Organization prefer hiring middle and lower level employees through employment exchange.  
19.     • Unsolicited applicants : these are job applications posted in by potential candidates in organization. Request from these candidates are received through the means of telephonic conversation, or informal talk with present employees in organization. When jobs suitable for these candidates are available theses employees are called to join in organization.• Professional organizations: professional organization maintain complete data of their members and supply it to companies. These organization act as exchange between the members and recruiting firms.  
20.     • Data banks : recruiting firms can maintain data bank about various candidates in different fields. They get required information from educational institutions, employment exchanges, professional organization etc.• Similar organizations : organizations producing similar products or having the same line of business act as important source of recruitment. This source of recruitment will be beneficial as employees hired from this source are experienced they require less training development.  
21.     • Casual callers : management may appoint persons who casually call on them for meeting short term demands. This avoids following regular procedure of recruitment reducing the cost of companies.• Labour contractors : employees engage contractors for supply of labors. Contractors maintain regular contacts with the workers at their place and bring in employees to cities at their own expense. Companies go in for hiring unskilled labors through this source of recruitment.  
22.     • Trade unions : unemployed or underemployed persons may request trade union leaders for finding suitable job. Union leaders are aware about the vacancies available in organization as to which they prove to be important source of information to candidates as well as companies.• Gate recruitment : unskilled labors go to various companies seeking for jobs where they will be hired on basis of daily wages instead of permanent worker in organization. They are also known as badli.  
23.     • Campus recruitment : company officials hire required candidates through the universities, institution for filling in required vacancies in organization. Placement officer is in charge acts as mediator between institutions and companies in search of potential candidates.• Recruiting agencies : companies hire recruitment services form consultancies on contractual basis where the consultancy is required to hire suitable candidate as per expectation of organization.  
24.     • Walk in interviews : in this method companies give job advertisement, with reference to advertisement suitable candidates walk in at interview venue with their resume to apply for prospective job.• Competitors : this method is popularly known as poaching or raiding in which companies identify potential employees from organization, trying to induce them to join their organization through means of better benefits compare to that of competitors.• Merits and demerits of external recruitment cont…..  
25.     Merits Demerits1. Wide choice: organization has Expensive : hiring costs could increasefreedom to select suitable candidate as method of recruitment will varyfrom large pool. depending upon the vacancies for job in organization2. Injection of fresh blood : people time consuming : it takes more timewith special skill and knowledge can as process involves advertising,be hired in organization. screening , testing etc.3. Motivational force : increased Demotivating : senior employees maycompetition may induce present have feeling of being ignored forworkers to work efficiently for promotion opportunities inorganization. organization.4. Long term benefits : new Uncertainty : recruitment processemployees joining companies may may end up hiring candidate who iscome up with innovative and creative not suitable for organization.ideas for organization development.  
26.     RECRUITMENT PROCESS1. Process of recruitment begins request from any of department in organization asking for human resource. Request contains detail of position, qualities and qualification required to perform job and other details relating to position in organization.2. Locating and developing the sources of required number and type of employees.3. Identifying prospective employees with required skills.4. Developing or adopting effective technique to attract potential candidates for organization.  
27.     5. Implementing planned technique during the process of recruitment.6. Stimulate or attract potential candidates to apply for suitable positions in organization.7. Evaluate effectiveness of recruitment process.  
28.     THANK YOU  

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