Thursday 17 November 2011

Human Resource Development Basics. Study Material

1.        Human Resource Development Basics  
2.         Develop their general capabilities as individuals and discover their inner potentials for own organizational purpose.
2. HRD involves :• ways to adjust the individuals to his job and environment• Involvement of employees in various aspects of work• Concern for enhancing capabilities of individuals   Acquire or sharpen capabilities required to perform various functions associated with their present or expected future roles. 
3.         micro and macro in nature : at macro level it focuses on improvement in quality of life for of nation people and at micro level it focuses on employee development within organization.   Interdisciplinary approach : HRD uses the knowledge from psychology, sociology, anthropology, political science for planning and implementing various employee development programs. Continuous process : HRD is a continuous process which believes in the need of continuous development of personnel to face challenges in functioning of organization. Planned and systematic process : HRD is planned and systematic process as it focuses on development of employees through out organization before framing policies or planning employee development. program company will other to collect relevant data required to the same so it is called as systematic process. FEATURES OF HRD
4.        OBJECTIVES OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT :• To provide comprehensive framework for the overall development of people in organization.• Develop a constructive mind and overall personality of each and every person in organization.• Develop capabilities of individual in relation to his present and expected performance in future.• Maintain high level of motivation for employees in company.• To develop health and self renewing capabilities of whole organization.• To generate systematic information about the human resource for purpose of human resource planning, PAS etc.  
5.         HRD focuses on making employees understand new concepts implemented in company through seminars, lectures, role playing etc.   Strengthen human resource information system to keep continuous track of every employee in company. Removal of hurdles from organization affecting productivity from employees. Proper rapport between HRD team and key persons in organization. Requisite skill, attitudes and ability in the persons engaged in HRD. Urge and desire on the part of human resource in organization to find better methods of work Essentials of human resource development :
6.         HRD improves teamwork where employees will be motivated to work together leading to friendly work atmosphere in company.   HRD generates lot of useful data which facilitates human resource planning and control. HRD helps organization in procuring the right people at right time and making effective utilization of hired human resource. HRD promotes organizational effectiveness. Appropriate employees centered policies help organization achieve its goal more efficiently. HRD improves the capabilities of the people by making them better aware of the skills required for job performance and by improving clarity about performance standards. IMPORTANCE OF HRD :
7.         Training : is an investment in HRD process which divides both in short and long run. The ultimate goal of training is improving competence of employees for raising the standards of organizational performance.  Counseling and monitoring : is a process in which employees will have an interaction with counselor where counselor after interacting with employees tries to identify their problem, suggest them strategies to overcome their problems, thus helping them to maintain balance in their professional and personal life. Performance appraisal : is process of assessing performance of employee at regular interval of time. Data obtained by PAS will be helpful in analyzing employees performance and design motivation technique who have performed as per expectation and one who are not able to meet expectations will be going through training program. INSTRUMENTS OR MECHANISM OF HRD :
8.         Developing emotional intelligence : human resource is one of the important and uncontrollable factor in company. Emotions of employee play a important role in determining their productivity and output. HRD should focus on enhancing emotional intelligence of organization.   Development of team work : companies should encourage employees to involve themselves in team work which enhances better co- ordination among employees leading to effective accomplishment of individual and organizational goals. Building morale and motivation : organization must give constant evidence to the belief that human resource in organization are key to development. This requires proper motivation of employees which provides base for managements functions and planning.
9.         Flexibility : HRD administrative machinery must become flexible and be able to respond quickly and effectively to changing environment as rigid and inflexible system will not be able to deal with changing situation.   Quality of work life : quality of workers condition both working and living influence workers job satisfaction. HRD should take proper care of employees health and well being. Quality of working life generally promotes healthy atmosphere of motivation and development among the employees. Quality circle : is a small group f employees doing similar or related work. These group meet regularly to identify, analyze and solve problems to improve general relations.
10.      Training includes any effort within the organization to teach instruct, coach in technical skills, knowledge, to provide insight into and attitudes towards organization.   Training is used to indicate process y which the aptitudes, skills, and abilities of employees to perform specific jobs are increased. Training is act of increasing knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job. Meaning : Training and development :
11.      Main objective o training is to bring about efficiency and effectiveness   Training creates self consciousness and greater awareness to recognize their responsibilities and contribute their best to organization. Training helps existing employees in improving their levels of job performance on their present job assignments. in case of new employee training has its objective to provide basic skill and information required by employees in company. Basic objective of training program is to help develop capacities and capabilities of employees both new and old by upgrading their skills and knowledge so that organization could gainfully avail employees services. Objectives of training program :
12.      Less wastages: untrained workers lack operative knowledge required to perform activity on contrary trained worker will know the art of operating machinery leading to minimum wastages and efficient accomplishment of work . ven Less supervision : trained employees are well aware about criteria and best way by which task can be performed which leads to minimum wastages leading to less requirement of supervision in company. Higher employee morale : trained worker drives happiness and job satisfaction from his work. This gives him job security and ego satisfaction. Improved performance of employee will be recognized by management which leads to increased morale of employee. Increased productivity : training program improves the performance of employees. Increased skill and efficiency results in better quantity and quality of production. Leading to reduced cost of operations in company. Need and importance of training program :
13.      Employee development : through continuous training and development employees will be updated with latest information which leads to employees personal as well a professional development.   Reduced turnover and absenteeism : are mainly due to job satisfaction. Timely training and development provided to workers will make the work more interesting due to which it becomes easy for company to retain workers. Easy adaptability : technological changes and implementation of new aspects in company requires employees to be flexible to changing situation which can be done through proper training and development to employees in company.
14.      Creates climate of growth and development.   Organization gets effective decision making and problem solving skills. Aids in understanding and carrying organizational policies. Helps create better corporate image Helps people to connect themselves with organizational goals. Improves morale of work force. Improves job knowledge and skills at all level of organization Leads to improved profitability and positive attitude towards orientation Benefits of training program to organizations : BENEFITS OF TRAINING PROGRAM :
15.      Moves person to Increased job satisfaction and recognition. Provides information for improving leadership, attitudes, communication skill etc. Helps in achieving self development and self confidence Helps individual employee in better decision making and efficient problem solving. Benefits of training to individuals: Helps eliminate fear in attempting task.   Develops sense of growth in organizationwards personal goals while improving interactive skills.
16.      STEPS IN TRAINING PROCESS Determini Preparing Methods of ng training evaluating training budget training needs Establish Deciding ing training training venue policies Methods Setting and goals technique s  
17.      Steps in training program :1. Determining training needs : a)organizational analysis : involves entire study of organization which includes objectives, resource and resource allocation. b) analysis of objective : analysis short and long term objective, along with strategies of company. c) task and role analysis : is required to determine to evaluate the training needs of employees as per knowledge and experience possessed by each employee in company.2. Establishing training policies : companies policies play vital role in designing training program. Every organization should have well designed training program . Policies of program clarifies the responsibility of management towards program and guidelines to be followed by employees during the program.  
18.     3. Setting goals and objectives : objective of training program refers to main motto for which training program is being conducted in company . Operational objective : concerned with efficiency about organizational working and outputs. Performance objective: relates to individual performance in terms of efficiency and performance. Reaction objective: refers to reaction of employees relating to training program in company.4. Preparing training budget: it is concerned with allocation of budget for conducting training program.5. Deciding about training venue: depends upon the type of training to be provided to employees. Venue of training is important as environment o program should be suitable for providing and seeking information.  
19.      Number of persons to be trained and developed7. Determining methods of evaluating training program : main objective of training program is to evaluate how far objectives of training programs have been achieved. judging and measuring reaction of participants. Assessing and measuring how far learning has been gainful for employees. Measuring changes in terms of cost, quality and production.   Consideration regarding cost, time, availability of trainers, required facilities etc. Background of trainees for assessing capacities and potential Depth of knowledge, nature of skills required of particular job.6.Deciding on methods and technique of training program : type of training program may vary from being job specific to generalized in nature. Factors to be considered during selection of method are :
20.      DESIGNING TRAINING PROGRAM :1.Responsibility for training : training program to be successful requires all parties to take care of their responsibilities. Top management should frame and authorize basic training policy. Personal department will be in charge of instruction to be given in training program. Employee are responsible to provide their satisfaction on training program in form of feedback.2. Selection and motivation of trainees : selection of candidates for training program is important as it is to be decided about nature of employees for whom training program is aimed at, who are set of employees if sent in for training program will yield effective results in form of profits to company.  
21.     3.Preparation of trainer: success of training program depends upon the quality of trainer or instructor. Trainer should be qualified person and he may be from within or outside the organization. Trainer should be aware about company as well as objective of training program4.Training material :may include study notes, case studies, charts, brochures. Material is prepared in training section with help of supervisors. Material should be provided in advance to trainees which will help them to come prepared in advance for training sessions.5.Training period : length of training program depends upon skills o trainees, purpose of training, and learning capacities of trainees in company.  
22.     6.Performance tryout : trainee is asked to do job several times and mistakes committed by employee are communicated to him in for of feedback.7. Follow up : the follow up for training program is don in form of employee feedback, in which employees expresses their level of satisfaction towards training program which helps in quality assessment of program and rectify mistakes in content of training program.  
23.      METHODS OF TRAINING PROGRAMA On job training :1. Job instruction training: this technique was developed during world war two. It basically includes four steps: a) trainees receives overview of job, its purpose and desired outcomes. b) trainer demonstrates job to employee so that trainees can get brief outlook of job.c) Trainee is asked to copy trainers demonstration, till trainee is perfect in performing given job.2. Coaching : involves direct personal instruction given to employee by employer which involves process of learning while doing. Effectiveness of coaching depends upon effectiveness of coach in which he is required to explain appropriate ways of doing things, state observation accurately, offer positive alternatives etc.  
24.     3.Mentoring : senior person in organization assumes the responsibility for training junior employees in company. Mentor acts as teacher, guide, counselor etc. basic objective of mentoring is to help employee gain psychological maturity and effectiveness integrated with organization.4.Position rotation: refers to broadening knowledge horizon of employees in company. Employees movement in terms my be confined within his department or outside department. This method helps employees to get in touch with work procedure in various department which makes him versatile person and quite flexible to adjust to changes. It also helps employees to maintain good relation with employee in company.  
25.     5.Apprenticeship :it is initial period in which employees joins organization. During this period employee will go through training session which will give him basic frame work to be performed at job. Employees performance during this period will be deciding point about employees permanent appointment in company.6.Committee assignment : in this method trainees are asked to perform special assignments or solve actual organizational problems. Employees are combined together in form of group where they get to know strategies to solve problem and also get habituated of working in group.  
26.      OFF JOB TRAINING :1. Vestibule training : in this type of training, a training center is set up and actual job conditions are duplicated or simulated in it. Trainers are employed to provide training with the help of equipment and machines which are identical to that of workplace. These method of training is used when number of employees to be trained are more in number.2. Classroom training : is traditional way of education which places the trainee in a classroom. Training may take place within the premises of organization or at selected sites. Main aim of classroom training is to take employee away from work scenario which provides him scope to mingle with subordinates from similar position.  
27.     3.Internship training :in this method educational institution and company have tie up with each other where candidates during their internship program are allowed to work in organization where they get to have practical exposure towards task performance at workplace.4. Conference : in this method employees are called in together where they are required to have discussion on problem given to them by which they find in effective strategies to find solution to situation. Problem given during the training is related to real work situation.5. Role playing : is a method of human interactions that involves realistic behavior in imaginary situation. The situation given to employees are related to their job when employees place themselves in different characters they get an brief idea about kind of behavior to be expressed as per demand of situation.  
28.      Criteria for evaluation of training program1. Reaction : refers to evaluation of trainees reaction to program. Which includes questions relating to what were the goals of program ?, did you achieve them ? Etc.2. Learning : refers to skill, Knowledge, information gained by employee through means of training and development program. In this step we get to evaluate efficiency of trainer and candidates who attended training program.3. Job behavior : it focus on difference in job behavior of employee before and after training program.4. Organization :it tries to measure effect of training program in terms of increased profitability and profit generated in company.5. Ultimate value : it is measurement of total investment made in training program and output generated in terms of increased productivity, skill enhancement of employee in company.  
29.      Time series analysis : series of measurement are taken before the programme begins and continues during and after the program is completed. The results obtained are plotted on a graph to determine whether changes have occurred and remain as result of the training effort.   Experimental and control groups : in this method employees are divided into two groups one group of employees are sent in for training program and other group of employees do not receive training program. Then evaluation is done by comparing performance of two group what is difference between quality of work delivered by group attended training program and one who have not attended the same. Techniques for evaluating training program
30.      Cost benefit analysis : in this method benefit of training program is evaluated by comparing the investment mad Questionnaires and structured interview : interview with immediate supervisor of trainees are taken into consideration as evaluation criteria. In this method questionnaire is given to trainees who have attended training program and are asked to rate the trainers according to quality of training give by them.e on training program and output generated by the same.  
31.      Motivation to trainees : training program cannot be successful without interest of employees attending training program. Therefore employees should be motivated to attend training program by mentioning them advantages of the same.   Individual consideration : people differ in terms of their thinking, personality, capability of understanding. Training program should take all employee needs into consideration and design the training program. training objectives : objectives of training helps in planning strategy for training program. Specific objectives of program provide guidelines or roadmap to proceed further with program. Principles of training :
32.      Feedback : should be taken from employees relating to their satisfaction towards the training program and even employees should be given feedback about variation in their performance after attending training program.   Preparing the instructor: instructor is one of the key factor responsible for success of training program as learning of employees depends on quality and method of training adopted by trainer. Suitable organizational conditions : venue of training program is first aspects to be taken into consideration in which place of training program should be free from disturbance where giving and receiving information should be easier. Company should not be going through violent situation such as strikes, lockouts etc. Use of previous training program : data of previous training program acts as basis for planning present training program. Mistakes occurred in previous training program will help to come up with strategies to avoid repetition of same mistakes.
33.      Promotion involves change from one job to another that is better in terms of status and responsibility.   Promotion is the advancement of an employee to a better job better in terms of greater responsibilities, more prestige or status, greater skill, increased rate of pay or salary. Promotion is the transfer of an employee to a job that pays more money or that enjoys some preferred status.
34.      To reward committed and deserving employees.   To build loyalty among employees and boost up employees morale. To promote employee interest in training and development programs in team development areas. To promote employee self development and make them await their turn promotions. To develop internal source of employee ready to take jobs at higher levels in organization. To develop competitive spirit in the employees to acquire skill and knowledge required by higher level jobs. To put the employee in position where he will be of a greater value to the company. Purpose of promotion :
35.      Vacancy or would be vacancy should be notified to employees in advance.   Promotion programs should be allied to training program which enables employees to improve themselves for promotions. Job analysis decides about position of job and their relationship to other position. It should be charted to provide clear recognition of natural movement from one job to another. Promotion policy should mention the basis of promotion – seniority or merit. Promotion policy should lay down percentage of vacancies in higher levels of hierarchy are to be filled up by promotion. Promotion policy should be in writing and must be understood by all employees to avoid any suspicion regarding line of promotion in minds of employee. PRINCIPLES OF PROMOTION :
36.      Minimizes the scope for grievance and conflict   Employees trust this method as there is no scope for favoritism It is easy to measure the length of service and to judge seniority. Advantages Seniority based promotion : seniority means length of recognized service in organization. If seniority is adopted as basis for promotion, senior most person in the lower grade will be promoted as and when there is opening in higher position in company. The logic behind considering seniority as bass of promotion is that there is a positive correlation between the length of service in the same job and the amount of knowledge and level of skill acquired y an employee in organization. BASIS OF PROMOTION :
37.      It may be difficult to evaluate performance of employee on basis of seniority. As seniority mention only about length of service of person and not on quality of performance delivered by individual employee.   Employees may put in less efforts if promotion is solely based on basis of seniority. it demotivates young and competent employees in the company. It is misconception that employees learn or seniority leads to skill enhancement of employees. Disadvantages :
38.      Merit based promotion : merit means ability to work. It denotes individual employees skill, knowledge, ability as measured from educational, training and past employment record. If merit is  This system encourages employees to acquire more skills by implementing effective promotion system.   Competent employees are motivated as promotion is related to their performance. Skills of employees can be better utilized at higher level Advantages :adopted as basis of promotion the most able person in the lower grade, no matter he is junior most in the company shall be promoted. It encourages all employees to improve their efficiency. Analysis of employees promotion is determined by his job performance and productivity generated by employee in company.
39.      To over come problem of seniority and merit based promotion company brought a blended method of promotion which includes both criteria for promotion. Company focus on merit based promotion as it focuses on enhancing organizational effectiveness on contrary trade union prefer seniority based promotion to protect employee interest in company. Balanced promotion approach will hold good for both parties in company.   Seniority cum merit basis Merit does not hold good as sole criteria for the process of promotion. Techniques of merit measurement are subjective promotion strategy may be influenced by trade union members in company. Disadvantages
40.      To meet employee request : transfer may be given to employee at their personal interest if employee himself is willing to work in different department or if employee wants to shift to his home town which will help him in career development.   To meet the organizational requirement : organization may require shifting of employees from one department to other department or to different branches of company. This is done in company to meet the timely requirements of organization relating to production, accomplishment of assignment etc. Purpose of transfer Transfer involves shifting the employee from one job to another job without special reference to changing responsibility or compensation. Transfer may involve promotion, demotion or no change in status and responsibility.
41.      To adjust to workforce :employees may be transferred from department where there is less work load to department where work load is minimum to make employee to get adjusted to changing situation.   To make employee versatile : employees may be shifted from one job to other to give him basic framework of various task performed in company which will lead to knowledge enhancement of employee in company. To ensure effective utilization of human resource :if employees performance is not satisfactory in his department, management may feel that if same employee is transferred may perform better in other department, this may prove to be one of reasons for transfer in company.
42.      To accommodate family related issues : family related issues refers to ailment of family members, request for transfer among ladies relating to marriage issues etc.   To maintain tenure system : refers to transfers take place in company to comply with organizational requirement and to follow rules and regulations set in company. To penalize employees : transfer may be part of disciplinary action taken against employee due to his undesirable behavior in company. To reduce conflicts in company : where employees find it difficult to adjust in department may be transferred to other department they are comfortable working.
43.      3. versatility transfer : major focus of these type of transfer is to make employee competent in company. Employee is transferred to different departments in company to make him accustomed to activities performed in various department.   2. production transfer : these types of transfers are done in the company to meet production requirement , that is to balance shortage or surplus of employee in company. 1. replacement transfer : refers to transfer of senior employee to replace junior employee or new employee in company. These kinds of transfer may be temporary in nature to utilize experience of senior employee in company. On basis of purpose : Types of transfer :
44.      Inter plant transfers : if there are more then one plant running under same management, transfers are made between plants are known as inter plant transfer. ven Departmental transfer : theses transfers are done between departments where nature of work is similar. Sectional transfer :these transfers are made within the department from one section to other. Main purpose of transfer is to make workers get accustomed to various activities in department. Transfer on basis of unit : Precautionary transfer : these transfer are made as precautionary measure to avoid misuse of office funds by employees in company. Remedial transfer : are done in the organization at request of employees where initial placement of employee may not be effective to correct same employee may be replaced in company. Shift transfers : when units in organization are runs in shift, employees are transferred from one shift to another shift in similar jobs or employees in some concern may be permanently appointed to one shift during the time of recruitment.
45.      Basis for the transfer should Policy must clearly mention reason and circumstance of transfer. Transfer policy must be in writing and should be known to all employees in company. Transfer policy :  Transfer implemented in company should be profitable to employees as well as company.   Nature of transfer should be mentioned weather it is temporary or permanent in nature. Effect of transfer on pay and seniority of employee should be clarifiedbe clearly mentioned in policy.
46.      Scope should be give for review of demotion practices in company.   There should be consistent treatment for employees committing mistakes in company. Reasons for demotion should be clearly mentioned to employees in company. Violation of rule should be investigated by competent employee in company. a clear list of rules along with punishable offences should be made available to all employees in company. Demotion policy : Demotion also take place due to faulty placement of employee in company. Demotion is one of disciplinary measure taken in company. Demotion may be result of staff reduction in company. Inadequacy on part of employees to perform job. Causes of demotion : Demotion : is shift to position in which responsibilities are decreased aw well as employees privilege are decreased.
47.      To meet immediate and future requirement of human resource in company.   To reduce employee turnover. Effective career planning is directed towards employee motivation which in turn leads to increased productivity in company. To ensure effective utilization of human resource in company. To offer career to employees in company so that attracting and retaining employee in company becomes an easy process. Objectives of career planning : Career planning is continuous process of developing human resource for achieving optimum results.
48.      4. analyzing of strength and weakness : strength and weakness of person should be compared with the job requirement and job opportunities available in job market.   3. analyzing environment effect : career planning involves analyzing of environment which includes assessing internal as well as external environment of organization to know level of competition and opportunities available in market. 2.Formulating personal and professional goals : individual has to plan for both professional as well as personal goals. Personal goals of individual directs him to choose area of his interest and professional goals direct him to enhance his performance at work place. 1. preparing personal profile : in this step individual is required to prepare personal profile which includes his abilities in terms of task accomplishment and his career objectives in terms of future prospectus. Steps in individual career planning :
49.      7. monitoring career plans : career plans should be monitored to find if it is as per the assumptions or not. It should be flexible in nature to adjust to changing situation.   6. developing contingency plans : career plans are developed in environment of uncertainty. Contingency plans should be formulated for facing uncertain future situations. 5. develop alternatives : career planning requires development of alternatives. Alternatives are assessed in view of environment and job opportunities available.
50.      It significantly contributes to cost reduction in company.   Helps in effective utilization of human resource in company. Helps in ensuring proper supply of efficient labour for company. It helps in reducing turnover and absents in company. It makes implementation process easier in organization. Helps individual need to retain sense of control over his personal destiny. It builds sense of belongingness between the employees and management in company. Provides individual to get optimum return on personal investment. Helps individual to assess his future position in organization. Helps individual to discover his talents, needs and motives. Benefits of career planning :
51.      4. proper placement : efforts should be made to place employee in area of their interest following principle of right person at right job.   3. rewards for performance : efficient performance of employers and employees in company should be rewarded to motivate them for effective performance in future. 2. clear cut goals : corporate goals must be clearly laid down to specifically direct effort of department to common goal attainment. 1. support from top management : career planning to be successful in organization requires consistent support from top management in company. Steps in effective career planning and development
52.      7. awareness : employees should be made aware about career opportunities available to employees in company.   6. continuous basis : career planning should be carried on continuous basis in organization to ensure effective career development of employees in company. 5. career paths : career path refers to area of specialization or department in which employee will be placed in company should be mentioned to employees in advance.
53.      Absenteeism : is the total man shifts lost because of absence as a percentage of the total man shifts scheduled to work.   External mobility or exit from organization takes place in two forms one depending upon the decision of company and another one is depending upon the willingness of employee in company. From organization point of view employee exit may take place due to transfer, dismissal of employee and from employee perspective it may be due to retirement or career development decision in company.
54.      Absenteeism is higher in department where supervisors are work oriented.   Rate of absenteeism varies among the department depending upon nature of work in company. The percentage of absenteeism is generally higher in high shifts than in day shifts. Absenteeism is lowest on pay day and highest after pay day in company. Features of absenteeism :
55.      Industrial fatigue : to earn more wages workers prefer doing overtime, work under high speed incentive plan which leads to physical strain to workers leading to absenteeism due to ill health.   Social and religious ceremonies :family and social function divert attention of workers in company as workers give more preference to attending these function compare to being present at workplace. Unhealthy working conditions : if the company is not maintaining hygiene at work place then employees tend to remain absent in organization. Maladjustment at workplace : when workers find it difficult to adjust to work environment prevailing in company or go through disturbed relation problem in company in such situation employees tend to remain absent in company. Causes of absenteeism :
56.      Management systems : when employees are treated as mere tools in organization without giving importance to employees efforts in company, workers remain absent in company.   Age : can be one reason for employees to remain absent in company as aged people get exhausted quickly compare to middle aged and young people in company. inadequate leave facility : when employees get minimum leave to address to family problems, employees remain absent in organization. Alcoholism : is a very common problem found among the workers. Due to such and other habits employees tend to remain absent due to drowsy state of mind in company. Inadequate welfare facilities : lack of adequate facilities such as drinking water, sanitation, canteen may prove to be one of reason for employees to remain absent in company.
57.      Sick and old employees : these employees remain absent due to ill health in company.   Family oriented people : these people remain absent in company due to imbalance in their personal and professional life. They lay more focus on family issues due to which they are not able to allocate proper time to work in organization. Epicureans : theses kind of people are vague in terms of their goals due to which they involve themselves into activities which strain them compared to career development in their professional life. Status seekers : reason for these people is due to discrepancy between desired and current status. Work, job and money are important to them as they are directed towards increasing employee status in company. Entrepreneurs : are those absentees who consider job to be small for their career development. They engage themselves in various types of social and professional activities to focus on their monetary and career development in company. Classification of absenteeism :
58.      Workers loose wages due to unauthorized absenteeism in company.   Leads to increased number of accidents in company. Work pressure on present and new employees in company increases due to lack of availability of workers in company. Quality of work suffers due to causal workers appointed for regular operations in company. Production schedule in the company are delayed due to which company will not be able to complete orders leading to disturbs relation with vendors in company. Regular flow of work in company is disturbed in company. Effects of absenteeism :
59.      Proper grievance procedure : should be implemented in company which creates feeling of security and workers feel that management is concerned towards problems faced by workers in company.   Reasonable wage rates : wage rates should be fixed taking into consideration cost of living and expenses incurred by employees in day to day life. Wages provided to employees should be sufficient to enable workers in maintaining decent standard of living. Proper selection procedure :important factor related to absenteeism problem in company. If candidate not suitable for job is placed in company he may not take interest to regularly attend and accomplish assigned task to employees in company. Proper working conditions : should be maintained in company in terms of hygiene factors such as drinking water, rest room facility, canteen facility which helps in reducing absenteeism in company. Measures to control absenteeism :
60.      Prevention of accidents : proper care should be taken to ensure workers safety in company by timely maintenance of machines, directing workers in advance about operation in company etc which increases employees security at work place directing towards reduced absent Cordial relation at work : strained relation between employees and supervisors in company may create unwillingness among workers to be regular in company. Maintenance of cordial relation can be effective measure to reduce absenteeism in company.   Liberal grant of leave : employees should be granted leave in critical situation which will reduce workers attitude to remain absent without prior information.eeism in company.
61.      Calculation of absenteeism :Absenteeism rate = number of man days lost * 100 man days worked + man days lost   Effective supervision : supervisors can reduce absenteeism by earning confidence and commitment of workers by maintaining better relationship with employees in company. Incentives : cash prizes, bonus, and promotion foe employees will encourage workers to be regular at workplace. Maintaining discipline : effective implementation of rules and regulations, appropriate procedure for all activities in company will help in bringing proper discipline in company.
62.      Attrition rate = number of employees leaving company * 100 number of employees working in company   Disturbed relation between employees and supervisors in company prove to be one of reason for employees absenteeism in company. Lack of required infrastructure facilities can be one of reason for attrition in company. Violent or non supportive organizational culture will lead to increased employee attrition in company. employees leave organization due to stagnant growth and lack of career opportunities in company. Reasons of attrition in company : Employee attrition refers to number of employees leaving organization for career development or lack of job satisfaction in company.
63.      Permitting job enlargement : refers to broaden horizons of employee jobs without confining their activities to companies set of rules and regulations.   Providing relevant training : content of training program should be designed in manner which will hold good for present as well as long run in company. Fostering culture of management concern :refers to regular knowledge up gradation of employee in company in form of training and development and implement effective organizational culture directing towards management and employee development in company. Strategies for employee retention in company :
64.      Strengthening the management : is possible only when inefficient employees are not entertained in company.   Rewarding managers : managers in company should be rewarded in company for effective employee management and delivering effective training for employees in company. Walking the talk : employee welfare plan should not be limited to planning process but same should be carried step ahead in terms of implementing plan in company.
65.      retirement :occurs at end of employees career in company. Retirement results in certain benefits to employee in form of benefit to employees in company.• Lay off :removal of employees from payroll of organization due to reasons beyond control of an employer. Implementation of new technology reduces complexity of work reducing the requirement of workforce in company.• Retrenchment : is permanent termination of employee services due to economic reasons such as surplus of staff, poor demand for products, general economic slow down winding up of business etc.• Rightsizing means reducing the size of workforce or increasing it to maintain employee strength at desired level. Right sizing means downsizing employees strength through planned elimination of jobs.   Resignation : employee may decide to quit organization voluntarily on personal or personal basis grounds such as getting a better job, changing careers etc these can be for employee resignation in company. Employee separations : occur when employees cease to be members of an organization.
66.      Proper placement of employees in company. Effective manpower planning in company These problems in company can be overcome by effective utilization of employee. Involuntary separation refers to removal of employee from work place due to poor performance in company. Employee in this situation is not willing to quit job ,but is compelled to do so as employee is not able to perform as per company expectations. Voluntary separation refers to employee moving out of organization with his own wish for reasons such as career development, lack of job satisfaction etc.

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